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In Europa gibt es viele verschiedene, nicht-profitorientierte Organisationen, die sich dem Thema des problematischen Spielverhaltens widmen. Deutschen Spielern seien aber die deutschen Portale und Beratungsstellen empfohlen. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle bei welchem Casino ihr spielt oder gespielt habt, ihr werdet immer Hilfe und Beratung bekommen.

Außerdem haben die zahlreichen Software Provider begonnen, die beliebten Spielo-Automaten nachzuahmen, so dass man allein für das Bücherspiel schon mehrere Alternativen zur Auswahl hat. Als Neukunde bekommt ihr häufig sogar Freispiele für Spielautomaten. Seitdem gilt bundesweit der Glücksspielstaatsvertrag, auf den sich alle Bundesländer nach langem Ringen geeinigt haben. ? Am Ende dieser Seite findet ihr noch die vollständige Liste der getesteten deutschen Online Casinos. Alle Online Casinos mit deutscher Lizenz bieten den größtmöglichen Sicherheitsstandard. Deine Daten sind dort sicher und werden nicht an dritte weitergegeben.

The Knife – Silent Shout (2006)


I’ve recently been obsessing over a delightful album called Silent Shout, the 2006 album by Swedish brother/sister duo The Knife.  First, a little background on The Knife: Composed of siblings Karin Dreijer Andersson and Olof Dreijer, The Knife released their debut self-titled LP in 2001 on their own label, Rabid Records.  Since then, they have released two more LPs, Deep Cuts in 2003 and Silent Shout in 2006, before announcing a three year hiatus after the release of Silent Shout.  Karin Dreijer Andersson has already turned heads in 2009 with her self-titled debut Fever Ray.  Silent Shout is truly one of the best pieces of music I’ve heard in a while.  The sound of the album could fall loosely into the genre of minimalist techno, but yet there is so much more.

The album’s sparse drum loops, simple arpeggios and thick reverb layered sound calls to mind Thom Yorke’s 2006 solo effort The Eraser.  But tracks like “Silent Shout,” “The Captain,” and “Forest Families” create an aura something closer to psychedelic trance inducing vibes of Brightblack Morning Light, Black Moth Super Rainbow or Animal Collective’s Merriweather Post Pavilion.  The vocals are unique and varied; some songs feature Olof Dreijer moaning at a distorted evil low pitch while others find their energy in the sheer power of Karin’s voice.  Whether she’s spitting rhythmically, in songs like “Neverland” or the brilliantly catchy “We Share Our Mother’s Health,” or emotionally proclaiming her love over brooding synths during “Marble House,” Karin Dreijer Andersson is what gives The Knife their cutting edge.  Upon doing more research on the group, I quickly became acquainted with their oddities.  Wearing strange masks onstage and in photo shoots, sending people to accept awards for them, etc.  For me, their mysterious personas only made the album even cooler, because Silent Shout is one of those albums whose rich textures makes you feel like you’re in another world.  The album comes paired with Silent Shout: An Audio Visual Experience, which is a recording of a show during the Silent Shout tour.  From the looks of photo’s like this:

I feel like I am going to need to see this DVD

mp3: “Silent Shout”
mp3: “We Share Our Mother’s Health”
mp3: “Marble House”

iTunes | Rabid Records | Official Site

Animal Collective – Merriweather Post Pavilion (2009)


In 2007, Animal Collective released what I consider to be one of the best albums of the decade, Strawberry Jam. Met with opposition from some fans, Strawberry Jam saw the band bidding farewell to the tribal shouts and bursts of noise that had made some tracks on early albums Sung Tongs and Here Comes The Indian sound like they were dancing on the line between insanity and genius.  Yet at the same time, the album reaffirmed the strange flirtations with pop music that the band had begun integrating into their sonic weirdness on Feels and Sung Tongs.  Strawberry Jam was simpler instrumentally, relying on samples or repetitive guitar progressions, and more lyrically focused, displaying vocalist Avey Tare’s best work to date.  Animal Collective’s 2009 effort Merriweather Post Pavilion once again asserts the bands groundbreaking ability to combine pop with a mess of psychedelia and electronic music.

The album draws influence from Animal Collective member Panda Bear’s 2007 release Person Pitch, which had Panda Bear utilizing minimalist samples under lush vocal layering and harmonies reminiscent of the Beach Boys.  Panda Bear takes a much larger role on Merriweather Post Pavilion than he did on Strawberry Jam, playing main vocalist for most of the songs on the album.  Avey Tare has his solo vocal performances also, but the vocal harmonies between the two members is where the album finds its beauty and strength.  Songs like  “Also Frightened” and “Bluish” feature the vocalists perfectly weaving their voices into one spine-tingling wail.  Gone also are the cacophonous screams and screeches that Avey used on tracks like “Grass” or “For Reverend Green.”  The instrumentation is once again minimalist in its approach, employing simplistic ethereal keyboard lines, steady rhythms, strange samples and thumping bass.  The recording is heavy on reverb, which accentuates the soaring vocals and catchy rhythms and is certainly reminiscent of many of the tracks on Person Pitch.  Though a bit less varied than Strawberry Jam, the album flows perfectly while managing to change both the tempo and mood from song to song.  The opener, “In The Flowers,” begins as an intimate combination of Avey’s cryptic whispers and quiet piano before exploding into a intense mix of heavy drums and accented keys.  “No More Runnin” is based off of a bouncy piano line while the rhythms on “Taste” vaguely resemble reggae.  “My Girls” is easily both the album’s most accessible and best track.  “I don’t mean to seem like I care about material things, like a social status!  I just want four walls and adobe slabs for my girls!” cries Panda Bear at the end of the song, backed by an infectious bass line and triumphant drums.  “Summertime Clothes” is Avey’s highlight, with him delivering verses full of cryptic lyrics and then exploding into a beautifully catchy chorus with Panda Bear.  The album’s closer, “Brothersport,” is a wild mix of “Comfy In Nautica” sounding samples, animal noises and Panda Bear’s poppy melodies.

Merriweather Post Pavilion is a near perfect execution of a psychedelic pop album.  It seems as if the band has abandoned the stranger elements of their past work and focused on creating an easy to listen to, cohesive album. Like I said, I believe that Strawberry Jam is the group’s best execution and combination of the older strange psychedelic influence with their ever-improving ability to write pop songs, but I would not be surprised if Merriweather Post Pavilion is eventually regarded as Animal Collective’s best work. It is a truly breathtaking album and a fantastic way to start off the year.  Animal Collective have now proved that not only can they create some of the strangest genre-bending music of the past decade, but also that they are superb songwriters.  And their unique take on pop has created an album that will be remembered for years to come.  Check out Merriweather Post Pavilion, out now on Domino, and catch the band on tour this spring-summer.

Merriweather Post Pavilion (2009):

(mp3) Animal Collective – My Girls
(mp3) Animal Collective – Summertime Clothes

Animal Collective World Tour
01-21 New York, NY – Bowery Ballroom
01-22 Chicago, IL – Metro
01-23 Los Angeles, CA – Henry Fonda Theatre
01-24 Los Angeles, CA – Troubadour
03-04 Oslo, Norway – Rockerfeller
03-05 Lund, Sweden – Mejeriet
03-06 Copenhagen, Denmark – Amager Bio
03-08 Cologne, Germany – Gloria
03-09 Heidelberg, Germany – Karistorbahnof
03-10 Fribourg, Switzerland – Fri-Son
03-11 Luzern, Switzerland – Konzerthaus Schurr
03-12 Florence, Italy – Viper Room
03-13 Rome, Italy – Teatro Studio
03-14 Milan, Italy – Rolling Stone
03-16 Strasbourg, France – La Laiterie
03-17 Amsterdam, Netherlands – Paradiso
03-18 Brussels, Belgium – Ancienne Belgique
03-19 Lille, France – Aeronef
03-20 Nantes, France – L’Olympic
03-22 Bristol, England – Trinity Centre
03-23 Nottingham, England – Rescue Rooms
03-24 London, England – The Forum
03-25 Leeds, England – TJ’s Woodhouse Club
03-26 Liverpool, England – Static Gallery
03-27 Dublin, Ireland – Tripod
03-28 Belfast, Ireland – Stiff Kitten
05-11 Washington, DC – 9:30 Club
05-12 Philadelphia, PA – Electric Factory
05-13 New York, NY – Terminal 5
05-14 Boston, MA – House of Blues
05-15 Montreal, Quebec – Metropolis
05-16 Toronto, Ontario – Sound Academy
05-18 Royal Oak, MI – Royal Oak Music Hall
05-19 Milwaukee, WI – Turner Hall Ballroom
05-20 Minneapolis, MN – First Avenue
05-24 Vancouver, British Columbia – Commodore Ballroom
05-25 Portland, OR – Roseland Theater
05-26 Oakland, CA – Fox Theatre
05-27 Big Sur, CA – Henry Miller Memorial Library
05-29 Los Angeles, CA – Wiltern
05-30 Las Vegas, NV – House of Blues
05-31 Tucson, AZ – Rialto Theater
06-01 Albuquerque, MN – Sunshine Theater
06-02 Boulder, CO – Boulder Theatre
06-04 Dallas, TX – House of Blues
06-05 Austin, TX – Stubbs
06-06 Oxford, MS – The Library
06-08 St. Petersburg, FL – State Theatre
06-09 Fort Lauderdale, FL – Culture Room
06-10 Orlando, FL – Club Firestone
09-12 Monticello, NY – All Tomorrow’s Parties

Cat Power- Dark End Of The Street (2008)



Chan Marshall, known by her stage name Cat Power, is one of the most prolific singer-songwriters of the last decade.  Her sexy, smokey vocals certainly match her stunning looks and her raw style of guitar and piano playing and intimate lyrics have made her music instantly recognizable.  On Tuesday, Marshall released her second album of 2008, Dark End Of The Street, a companion piece to January’s Jukebox.  Both albums are almost all covers with Marshall running through her favorite songs by artists like Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Creedence Clearwater Revival and Aretha Franklin to name a few.  I haven’t heard Dark End Of The Street yet but upon revisiting Jukebox last week, I released that I may have written it off prematurely.  Marshall’s renditions of Frank Sinatra’s “New York” and Jessie Mae Hemphill’s “Lord, Help The Poor And Needy” feature Marshall layering her airy whispers over sparse bursts of delicate keys and guitar.  In retrospect, Jukebox may be one of 2008’s most enjoyable albums.  But maybe I’m just a sucker for anything Cat Power does.  Check out both albums if you have the chance and check out her cover of Bob Dylan’s “Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again” from the I’m Not There soundtrack.


mp3: “Ramblin’ (Wo)Man” from Jukebox

mp3: “Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again” from the I’m Not There OST

mp3: “Speak For Me” from 2003’s You Are Free


Caribou- Andorra (2007)


Lately, I’ve been jamming Caribou’s 2007 album Andorra. Caribou is the stage name for Daniel V. Snaith, who produces and composes all of the music on Andorra. Snaith started out in 2000 recording under the name Manitoba, but legal troubles forced the adaptation of the name Caribou. Snaith has released two albums under the new name, 2005’s The Milk Of Human Kindness and 2007’s Andorra. I can’t offer any insight to his first LP, as I have never heard it, but Andorra is an impressively eclectic collection of music. The album’s first track, “Melody Day,” is full of echoing piano plunks, frantic drum rolls, and Snaith’s ethereal vocals that sound almost identical to the late Elliott Smith. “After Hours” starts off with swirling guitar before breaking into a psychedelic mix of wah, loud drum cymbals and Snaith’s once again stunning vocal performance. Snaith’s musical prowess shows continuously throughout the album as he masterfully blends pop melodies over a mix of folk, electronica and psychedelia. If your are a fan of Beach House, Atlas Sound or Grizzly Bear, look no further than Caribou’s Andorra (forgot to mention, the album was the winner of the 2008 Polaris Music Prize) and here’s to hoping Snaith returns in 2008.


mp3: “Sandy”
mp3: “Irene”


Myspace | iTunes | Official Site

Interview: Maps & Atlases


Recently, Dave and I got a chance to sit down with Chicago’s Maps And Atlases after their show at the Black Cat with Nurses and Rahim. I started by asking about the noticeable change in sound from their first EP Trees, Swallows, Houses to their new one You And Me And The Mountain, guitarist/vocalist Dave Davison and bassist Shiraz Dada agreed in saying that “doing the first EP had helped [the band] realize which elements [they] wanted to focus on.”

Although the band has released two EPs since their conception in 2004, they have yet to release a full length. When we asked them about that decision, drummer Chris Hainey told us that the band was happy with their decision, noting heavy touring and their always changing sound as reasons why a full length might have felt rushed and ultimately not as solid as another EP.

The band made their start after meeting at Colombia College in Chicago and grew up in a music scene that Davison described as “intensely local” because of the bonds that certain bands share despite contrasting musical styles. The eclectic mix of music coming from Chicago is certainly represented in the band’s unique combination of highly technical instrumentation and bouncy pop melodies. Dada cited Television as a big influence while Davison named David Bowie and The Talking Heads. The band even tackled some more profound questions, particularly when Dave asked about the internet and its effect on music. Davison found merit in the ability for new bands to have their music accessible to anyone in the world and also mentioning that the band never got their cliché “big break” and that the internet allowed them to gain popularity and made their plans to be a full time band a reality. Dada agreed in saying that, “this show wouldn’t have happened fifteen years ago,” thanks to exposure from things like the internet. The two agreed on the fact that the internet has accelerated the development of new music and made it harder for one single band to “rule for ten years.”

As for the age-old question “2pac or Biggie?,” the two remained split.  In addition to being great musicians, the members of the band were truly a funny, sincere and intelligent bunch of guys and I can’t wait to see them again in D.C. Check out Maps & Atlases new EP You And Me And The Mountain on Sargent House Records and check them out if they ever come to your neck of the woods.


From You And Me And The Mountain:

mp3: “Ted Zancha”

From Trees, Swallows Houses:

mp3: “Every Place Is A House”


Myspace | Official Site | iTunes

Remembering Elliott Smith


Elliott Smith

August 6, 1969- October 21, 2003


On October 21, 2003, Elliott Smith took his own life and cut short the career of one of the most talented singer-songwriters of all time. Smith battled depression, drug addiction and alcoholism throughout his short but influential career, but still managed to create some of the most beautiful, emotionally touching music of the last few decades. Smith’s intricate acoustic compositions and blend of folk, pop and rock has made the music from all of his 6 albums timeless and his music has both inspired and influenced hundreds of musicians today. Five years ago today, the world lost an amazing musician too early. I hope you all will join me in remembering Elliott Smith today. Rest in peace Elliott.


mp3: “No Name #3” from Roman Candle
mp3: “Clementine” from Elliott Smith
mp3: “2:45 A.M.” from Either/Or
mp3: “Baby Britain” from XO
mp3: “Junk Bond Trader” from Figure 8
mp3: “Memory Lane” from From A Basement On A Hill
mp3: “Whatever (Folk Song In C)” from New Moon


The Mountain Goats Release Choose Your Own Price EP


The Mountain Goats, the alias of singer-songwriter John Darnielle, released The Satanic Messiah EP on October 9th via their website and in their best Radiohead impression have included the option of paying for the EP if you feel it necessary. The EP will also be released as a extremely limited double 7″(only 665 copies being sold, Darnielle will get the 666th). The Mountain Goats released their 16th album Heretic Pride on 4AD in February. I haven’t downloaded the EP yet but I know I’ll be donating, Darnielle is one of the most talented songwriters of our time and I’m sure the EP will be fantastic. In the meantime, I urge all of you to download the album and donate a few dollars if you’re feeling gracious, at the very least to send the message of support to artists giving their fans the option to pay.

Download The Satanic Messiah EP


mp3: “Peacocks” from Tallahassee